Feeling Grateful During the Storm
A community roundup of ideas for feeling grateful in the storms of life
A community roundup of ideas for feeling grateful in the storms of life
How to be grateful without diminishing the suffering of others
Parents often don’t think they need to think about teenage dating rules until it happens. But as with most instances, if you don’t decide in advance, you might make a stressed out making last minute decisions.
One little tip that I encourage my kids as well as myself is that if you start to feel a little bit of insecurity or competition when you see somebody posting something that makes you feel inferior, leave a positive comment, an action that may be “fake it til you make it” but I believe it starts to retrain the brain to feel less inferior. TRY IT!!
It’s hard for any of us to admit when we are wrong. We can guide our kids with these 5 steps, and teach them while young that it’s a part of life, and the sooner we realize that, the better.
The TikTok app is another social media platform that is hot on the scene and a lot of parents want to know, is TikTok safe? I wanted to share my experience with my teens and offer my best tips. What
Teens and Social Media are always a hot topic! Here are some best practices on how to help teens navigate social media appropriately.
Talking to your Teen about Sex is no longer just once, it should be an ongoing discussion with 1,000 1 minute conversations throughout child and teen years.
Helping our teens with Setting boundaries about what they are ok with in a dating relationship is important. Continue reading for abuse prevention tips and conversation starters.
Many parents are either fearful of their teens dating or wishing they’d get out and be social. We discussed this very topic all week in our Instagram Community, and I’m delighted to have Ruby Franke from 8 Passengers on the podcast today sharing some gems!
If you are concerned about Teens and Eating Disorders, we want to help. Listen to this podcast episode, read the transcript, or at the list print off the free resources shared below. I interviewed Laura from Remarkable Now about her 15 year eating disorder, and her insights are recorded here.
Yes, raising teens can be gut wrenching, isolating, stressful, even overwhelming at times. But if we simply brace for impact during the teen years it will be very scary for all of us! We will miss out on gems if we are just watching for the problems. Self-fulfilling prophecy again!