Teen Mentoring

I LOVE the opportunity to chat one on one with moms in the community, and Marco Polo mentoring has been one of my favorite ways to help you one on one. (I take a select number of LIVE 1 hour calls each month as well).

Once you sign up, we chat back and forth via video chat on the free Marco Polo app. We start with you telling me about your family/teen specific challenges, and I respond within 24-48 hours back, and we do that throughout the month. Some moms feel so empowered in that one month, that that’s all they need to move forward with confidence. Others choose to carry the mentoring on for a few months, you get to decide!

Teen Mentoring with Kristen Duke

In our chats, I share my personal experiences, stories about my teens, my mess ups, and even links to articles to better hit home what we discuss if needed.

Most moms reach out when they feel exasperated, but don’t quite feel like they need to sign up for a long term coach. A mentor is like a big sister or best friend, but sometimes you can’t share those things with people who know your teen, to protect their privacy.

I’d love to be your “big sister”, friend, mentor, so reach out and we’ll get it set up.

Though I aim to start each mentee on the first of each month, if you reach out on the 7th and don’t want to wait til the next month, I’m happy to work from the 7th to the 7th if I’m not at my 10 mentee capacity that month.

It’s $150 for the month (paid via Venmo or PayPal).

OR $200 for a full hour of a LIVE undivided attention call that we schedule. $750 for 4 weeks.

To get mentoring set up, Email me: kristen (AT) kristenduke.com or message me on Instagram @KristenDukeChats

See the video all about mentoring here.

A few testimonials:

Build loving connection with your teens

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

Your Intentional Connection Playbook
For parents who value connection over control
Thank you for joining my email list! I can’t wait to spoil you and promise to keep your email address private

You might also like:

Build loving connection with your teens

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

Your Intentional Connection Playbook
For parents who value connection over control
Thank you for joining my email list! I can’t wait to spoil you and promise to keep your email address private