Spend 4 days learning how to confidently guide your teen
through their most tumultuous years.

This 4-day, 3-night immersive experience will empower you to create a relationship of trust with your teen
so they'll seek your support as they work toward a life outside your home.

The first TRANSFORM women's retreat will be held September 9-12, 2024 in Denver, Colorado.

It's time to stop worrying about your teen.

You’ve spent too many lonely nights awake, drowning in self-doubt and guilt, sure you are failing as a parent.  Every time “Super-Mom” posts happy family photos on Instagram or talks about her teen’s many accomplishments, your loneliness deepens.

All you really want is the connection you used to have with your child. You miss the days when they’d tell you everything, laugh with you, and seek your advice. You miss them.

You’re living with a stranger who barely acknowledges your presence. The silence is deafening, and the guilt is suffocating your motivation. The pain of watching your child struggle and feeling completely shut out is heartbreaking.

You’re not alone, but it sure feels that way, doesn’t it? 

Imagine your teen coming home from a rough day at school and inviting you into their room to cry on your shoulder and ask for your advice. ​

Right now you ping-pong between giving into them so they know they are loved and creating tough consequences to change their behavior.


How do convince them I love them and have their best interests at heart while guiding them toward their best future?

When you kindly do a chore for them, there is no thank-you; just an expectation you’ll do it again next time. So in an effort to be more “firm”, you enforce a consequence, only to be met with an explosion of anger or (and) a silent retreat to their room.

Come to think of it, if your teen weren’t so dang touchy, you’d have a great relationship. If they’d just take your advice, both of your lives would get better. The entire family’s life would get better if everyone could stop living on edge all the time!

Stop what you're doing and ask yourself:

How would your life change if your teenager let you guide them through these pivotal years?

What if you could go to sleep every night without anxiety about the choices your teen is making?

You hope it’s possible.

But how do you get there?

You're starting to realize that you just might need a village to help you.

When you are honest with yourself,
you know you are out of ideas.

You've tried all sorts of things to encourage your teen to talk. But nothing has worked.

You need a community of women around you who GET IT and who care.

And you need some new ideas.

You might be asking yourself, “How can someone who has never met my kid help?


At The TRANSFORM Retreat, We:
normalize the challenges of parenting,
commiserate together at the complexities,
learn effective tools for gaining our teen's trust,
and cheer each other on!

"Now she knows there are normal moms
just like her..."


Team TRUSTED Member

After listening to some of the other moms, I felt so empowered! I have gained so much information and tips and tricks that I know make a difference in my everyday relationships. I’m so happy I found Kristen when I did.

My husband, Jason, listened in on a call one day and said:

Many of the techniques [Autumn] has learned from Kristen aren’t new. Dozens of books provide the same ideas, but they are difficult to carry out on your own and often unrelatable when on paper.

The interaction and communication with the group, sharing with others so she knows there are normal moms just like her who are going through the same thing, is so much more relatable than reading about them in a book. The group allows her to talk about the techniques she’s tried, discuss where she was successful, and get help in areas she feels she may have failed.



The fast track to gaining confidence in parenting and trust from your teen with a "village" of women who understand and care.

Here is everything you get:

Relationship Workshops

We will dig into why your teen is keeping their distance, and what might be causing the disconnect. Uncovering your personal blind spots as a parent is what will allow you to more deeply connect with your teen. You'll not only more clearly see your blindspots, but be given tools to overcome them.


One way to build trust with your teen is to embrace getting out of your comfort zone (nothing too strenous)! When they see you doing so, they will be more likely to themselves. Tuesday and Wednesday will each have an adventure outing in the Colorado Mountains. Tentative: Cave of the Winds Via Ferrata & Royal Gorge Bridge.

Accomodations & Transportation

No need to rent a car! Just get yourself to Denver and we'll travel around together in style in a group vehicle. The retreat includes 3 nights stay in the Colorado mountains in an airbnb (TBD).


8 full meals all planned and prepared for you is worth it's weight in gold for any mom of teens! Snacks & favorite drinks will also be readily availabe. Dietary needs considered with options,

Late Night Conversations

The day time will be structured with adventure & workshops, but evenings will be open for talking about ANYTHING! Getting to know the stories of other moms is a big part of the purpose of the retreat. You need to know you are NOT alone.

A Village

Come alone or with a bestie, either way, you will leave with new friends! We have plans to make sure everyone gets a chance to chat with everyone (speed dating style!). The most important thing you will leave this retreat with in a village of women get GET IT and truly care.

And there's more!

Professional Photos

$325 value
Mini professional solo photo session at the retreat with TRANSFORMED pictures of YOU to take home! Show your teens the importance of self-reflection and getting out of their comfort zone.

And What Happens When:

Mon, Sept 9th

Tues, Sept 10th

Wed, Sept 11th

Thur, Sept 12th

Claim Your Spot in in 3 simple steps:

Choose Your Payment Plan

Tell your teens you’re going to “school”to be a better parent.

Get to Denver Sept. 9th by 3 pm

You could...
continue trying to fix your relationship on your own
But that hasn't worked so far and time is running out.
The teen years are short.
You could...
go to a different parenting retreat
But you'll pay 2x-5x more. Yep, I researched and most retreats are overpriced.
You could...
keep binge srolling Instagram looking for parenting help
But you're never going to find advice tailored to your specific situation.
And the "picture-perfect" parenting you'll find to compare
yourself to can get discouraging.
Previous slide
Next slide

Get on the waiting List:

Claim your spot at the TRANSFORM Retreat Now

Four payments of $350

or one payment of $1300 (save $100)

Over $2200 value!

*psst…the next time I offer this retreat, it will cost $1900

Hi, I'm Kristen!

You CAN transform yourself & the relationship with your teenager. As a bonus, the principles you'll learn at the TRANSFORM Retreat will also help you tackle all of your relationship challenges (spouse, siblings, friends, co-workers), regardless of your current circumstances.

I LOVE teenagers!

I have 4 kids. Three have successfully left home, and we have a very close relationship, but I'm lucky I still have one left at home with me! I'm still navigating teens.

Teenagers get a bad rap.

Being a teen is HARD. And while parenting teens can also be hard, my mission is to remove the negative stigma around the teen years. I help parents break the code so they can have FUN during the teen years without giving up on seeing their teens thrive.

I've helped hundreds of parents grow a solid relationship with their teen(s).

I've been raising teens or helping others raise teens for over a decade and while I'm far from perfect, I've learned that I don't have to be. I just have to be trustworthy. I can't teach you how to be the perfect parent, but I CAN teach you to be trustworthy.

"I had been dreading the teenage years but what Kristen shares gave me hope. Hope that I can trust my teen, but also he can trust me. We have a great relationship but it could always be something to improve upon. I'm learning to enjoy this stage-the good, the bad, the ugly-together with my teens. And I feel like my kids are learning that they really can come to me for anything because I'm practicing being a "first responder." Don't sweat some of the small stuff." -Kate, Team Trusted member

Wondering if this is the right retreat for you?


Maybe Not...


A huge part of the experience is the bonding time “after hours” and I am so excited about a slumber party! If we fill up all the slots (14), then we will consider a handful of locals coming the month before. 

Yes! Those shared rooms will come on a first come, first served basis. But many will come solo, ready to work on themselves & make friends.

Yes! A survey will be sent collecting information such as dietary needs, to know how to best accomodate!

Plan your travel to arrive in Denver between 12 and 3 on Monday, and depart on Thursday around 12 noon. Group pickup and dropoff will be at the Denver airport.  

Light in rigor, big in stepping out of your comfort zone. 

Yes, but it is also for anyone who wants to improve a relationship.   While most of the attendees will be moms, this retreat is open to any woman who wants to transform the relationships in her life.

I am a HUGE vulnerability junkie, and I will be fully transparent, sharing my personal challenges in relationships (in all 6 core areas) and how I’ve lived in transformation mode. While I encourage sharing as a way to connect and grow exponentially, you will not be forced to divulge anything personal you don’t feel comfortable sharing.

Yes! Payment plan provided in 2-4 parts, depending on when you join. The earlier you join, 4 parts payment plan. The later you join, fewer parts available. As far as canceling, I won’t be able to refund your money, as plans will be made based on numbers,  but if you need to cancel, I will promote your ticket to my audience for someone to take your place. 

What could your life look like this fall you said YES to The TRANSFORM Retreat?

Imagine your teen coming home from a rough day at school and inviting you into their room to cry on your shoulder and ask for your advice. ​

That can be YOUR reality.

Build loving connection with your teens

10 unique ways for parents and teens to build a closer relationship

Your Intentional Connection Playbook
For parents who value connection over control
Thank you for joining my email list! I can’t wait to spoil you and promise to keep your email address private