Teen Mentoring

I LOVE the opportunity to chat one on one with moms in the community, and I’ve got two opportunities for you to get immediate feedback on tough teen challenges.

1) Marco Polo mentoring has been one of my favorite ways to help you one on one. (I take a select number of LIVE 1 hour calls each month as well).

Once you sign up, we chat back and forth via video chat on the free Marco Polo app. We start with you telling me about your family/teen specific challenges, and I respond within 24-48 hours back, and we do that throughout the month. Some moms feel so empowered in that one month, that that’s all they need to move forward with confidence. Others choose to carry the mentoring on for a few months, you get to decide!

Teen Mentoring with Kristen Duke

In our chats, I share my personal experiences, stories about my teens, my mess ups, and even links to articles to better hit home what we discuss if needed.

Most moms reach out when they feel exasperated, but don’t quite feel like they need to sign up for a long term coach. A mentor is like a big sister or best friend, but sometimes you can’t share those things with people who know your teen, to protect their privacy.

I’d love to be your “big sister”, friend, mentor, so reach out and we’ll get it set up.

Though I aim to start each mentee on the first of each month, if you reach out on the 7th and don’t want to wait til the next month, I’m happy to work from the 7th to the 7th if I’m not at my 10 mentee capacity that month.

It’s $150 for the 30 day month (paid via Venmo or PayPal).

To get mentoring set up, Email me: kristen (AT) kristenduke.com or message me on Instagram @KristenDukeChats

See the video all about mentoring here.

2) I get messages, email, DMS often where people share an urgent need/scenario, and I always want to reply back, but time is scarce! Here’s what I put together for you if you don’t feel a full month of mentoring is needed:

Since most of my messages are Instagram DM’s, I mentioned putting your IG handle in there, but if you don’t do IG, put your email in the VenMo note and I’ll email you the video!

Any questions??

A few testimonials:

Discover Your Parenting Personality

Stop tip-toeing around your teen!

If you’ve started to realize that trying to get your TEEN to change isn’t working, then you are the exact type of parent I’m looking for!

Take the quiz.

Then I will then send you customized tips to help you strengthen your
relationship with your teen.

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Kristen Duke

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You’re Closer Than You Think to the Relationship You Want With Your Teen

Right now, it might feel like your teen is shutting you out—but the next video will show you how to turn that around. Enter your info below to get immediate access to the video where you’ll learn the exact steps you can take to start repairing and rebuilding your relationship today.
(I’ll also email you a summary of the video you just watched 😉 – I’ve got you!)

Discover Your Parenting Personality

Stop tip-toeing around your teen!

If you’ve started to realize that trying to get your TEEN to change isn’t working, then you are the exact type of parent I’m looking for!

Take the quiz.

Then I will then send you customized tips to help you strengthen your
relationship with your teen.