Simple Random Acts of Kindness for teens

Simple Random Acts of Kindness for teens is a great little list of ideas that don’t take much effort.

👉What are your favorite simple services to suggest to your teenagers to serve outside of your home? It doesn’t always have to be as big as delivering a plate full of cookies or leaving a $20 bill somewhere for another to find it.

Many teens prefer to remain under the radar, so I complied a short list of random acts of kindness that you can pull out at the dinner table to discuss.

📌PIN for later and you can facilitate conversation and offer teens ideas for the simple, unassuming things they can do to show kindness to those outside of your home.

Each of these 10 could foster an extensive conversation. Ask your teen which one sounds the most simple. Ask them which sounds more challenging. Ask them if they’ve experienced someone doing something nice for them, share one of your own stories.

The more we talk about serving, (and show how we serve) the more they will have a service minded heart. 👉Which one of these can you pick to do right away that might not be a strength?

Here’s what you said:

“Thank a veteran for his/her service. So many wear a hat or a shirt representing their branch of the military. My Dad was a Vietnam veteran and our boys saw people come up to him and shake his hand (pre Covid) and tell him thank you. Ever since my Dad went home to Heaven, our boys have made it their mission to never let a veteran pass by without thanking them.💓💓”

“Always always carts in the parking lot. So simple, people are appreciative and it takes only seconds to do.”

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The TRUSTED Mom Reset

A quick video to help you stop feeling like a failure as a mom and
start feeling confident in your parenting—without needing to be perfect.

Welcome Friend!

I'm Kristen Duke!

If your teen is pulling away from you,
I want you to know that you don’t have to lose them.
There’s hope.
I have a message you need to hear:

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The TRUSTED Mom Reset

A quick video to help you stop feeling like a failure as a mom and
start feeling confident in your parenting—without needing to be perfect.

Welcome Friend!

I'm Kristen Duke!

If your teen is pulling away from you,
I want you to know that you don’t have to lose them.
There’s hope.
I have a message you need to hear: