Many parents don’t want their teenagers to have social media for a variety of reasons, and one in particular is to avoid the repercussions that come with endless scrolling.
It’s understandable… AND once you decide to allow social media, I encourage parents to INVITE their teen to share light and goodness online, to be a do-er and not just a viewer.
—->Download the Sharing LIGHT Online PDF here: Share LIGHT Online
When teens share goodness, they see social media differently, it offers an opportunity to do their part to put light out into the world, and THEN social media feels GOOD.
But often times, teens don’t know exactly WHAT to post, and get stopped overthinking, so I made this guide to help both teens and adults share light online through a 52 week prompt suggestion, that is also scripture based.
The idea is to share once a week, something scripture based, and this guide will help you do that. I thought this up after sharing about the scripture memorization cards recently, and I can only speak for myself, but I’m pretty excited to use this guide to share more light online myself.
It’s a goal of mine anyway, so I made it for myself, my kids, AND for you!
My goal is to aim for once a week on Sundays, because it’s an easier day to remember that.
—->Download the Sharing LIGHT Online PDF here: Share LIGHT Online