Raise teens who resolve conflicts calmly and confidently

Tired of endless arguments and slammed doors? Concerned about teen friend drama?

Discover 7 proven strategies for resolving conflicts calmly and confidently (and help your teen learn, too!).

FREE: Download “The Calm Creator” today and start teaching your teen the skills they need to develop healthy relationships at home and with friends.

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You’re Closer Than You Think to the Relationship You Want With Your Teen

Right now, it might feel like your teen is shutting you out—but the next video will show you how to turn that around. Enter your info below to get immediate access to the video where you’ll learn the exact steps you can take to start repairing and rebuilding your relationship today.
(I’ll also email you a summary of the video you just watched 😉 – I’ve got you!)

Discover Your Parenting Personality

Stop tip-toeing around your teen!

If you’ve started to realize that trying to get your TEEN to change isn’t working, then you are the exact type of parent I’m looking for!

Take the quiz.

Then I will then send you customized tips to help you strengthen your
relationship with your teen.