Get Your Teen To Trust You

even though you wish you could just control them

A website and Instagram community with a confident & joyful approach to parenting teens

Hot Topics

Weekly disussions on the gram about the tough stuff

The Bestie Club

A library of free tools to help you connect with your teen


A place for parents who value connection over control

Afraid of all the teen drama you've heard about?

They are moody

It's hard not to take it personally when it feels like you're trying to hug a cactus.

They are selfish

You'd be rich if you had a dollar for every time you thought "It's not all about you"

They are messy

They are busy and leave wrappers on the floors & in couch cushions.

They make stupid choices

And the consequences are far scarier than anything you faced at their age

What if I told you it doesn't have to be drama filled?

Parenting teens can be fun and full of joy!

They are fun

Teens notice clever ironies. They love to laugh and have an enthusiasm and zest for life that is contagious

They want to connect

Evolving opinions and ideas can facilitate fun & deep conversations, which leads to greater connection

They are creative

Creativity fuels optimism and hope that isn't jaded and creates a unique type of resourcefulness

They are resilient

Sure, teens take risks, but they also bounce back - especially when supported by loving parents

3 steps to seeing teens differently:

You can parent teens without fear


The Trusted Mom Reset

A quick video to help you stop feeling like a failure as a mom and
start feeling confident in your parenting—without needing to be perfect.


Follow me on Instagram to dive into hot topics

Join me for a weekly discussion around misconceptions and myths as we fight parenting fear


Practice what you learn to make progress

Dive deep into connecting with your by joining Team TRUSTED.  It’s just $1 to start and you can cancel anytime!

Parenting Teens Can Be Rewarding

Hi! I'm Kristen

Teens have a bad rap.  But the truth is, parenting teens can be full of joy and connection. 

As parents we must recognize the challenges they face; hold ourselves accountable and be intentional about connection.

I want to help!

The TRUSTED Mom Reset

A quick video to help you stop feeling like a failure as a mom and
start feeling confident in your parenting—without needing to be perfect.

Welcome Friend!

I'm Kristen Duke!

If your teen is pulling away from you,
I want you to know that you don’t have to lose them.
There’s hope.
I have a message you need to hear:

Almost there!

Complete this step to confirm your attendance

I’m thrilled to invite you to Trusted Academy LIVE—
—a transformative two-day workshop designed to help you rebuild trust, enhance communication, and lead your teen with confidence.

Day 1: SEE Differently

​You’ll uncover hidden connection crushers and learn to spot key moments when your teen needs you most, ensuring you seize vital opportunities to connect—so you can be the mom they turn to, not pull away from.

Day 2: DO Differently

​​You’ll ​master having tough conversations without power struggles, repairing mistakes while maintaining respect, and shift from reactive parenting to confident leadership.—so your teen listens and actually wants to talk to you.
This LIVE Pareting Lab is hands-on. You’ll receive coaching, apply lessons in real-time, and leave with actionable strategies.
No fluff—just practical results.

Here is how to LOCK IN Your Spot:

I’m serious about getting real results for every mom who attends AND we refuse to charge for this event. Instead, we ask all potential attendees to schedule a quick, 10-minute confirmation call with Kristen.

This conversation allows her to understand your unique challenges and aspirations, ensuring the workshop content is tailored for you. It also confirms your commitment to attending and engaging fully in both days of the event. THIS IS NOT A SALES CALL; it’s my way of tailoring the experience to you. Upon confirming your call, I’ll provide the workshop access link.​​

You’re Closer Than You Think to the Relationship You Want With Your Teen

Right now, it might feel like your teen is shutting you out—but the next video will show you how to turn that around. Enter your info below to get immediate access to the video where you’ll learn the exact steps you can take to start repairing and rebuilding your relationship today.
(I’ll also email you a summary of the video you just watched 😉 – I’ve got you!)

The TRUSTED Mom Reset

A quick video to help you stop feeling like a failure as a mom and
start feeling confident in your parenting—without needing to be perfect.

Welcome Friend!

I'm Kristen Duke!

If your teen is pulling away from you,
I want you to know that you don’t have to lose them.
There’s hope.
I have a message you need to hear: