You’ve spent too much time walking on eggshells with your teen to keep them from blowing up or withdrawing to their room.
But what you really want is a teen who happily engages with you – a teen who takes your advice, cries on your shoulder, and laughs with the family.
“Why do I have to do change when it’s my TEEN that is the problem?”
You’re ashamed to admit it, but you don’t even LIKE your teen right now. You don’t want to be around them any more than they want to be around you. A secret piece of you wants to withdraw to your room and ignore the problem just like your teen does. They’ll “grow up” eventually, right?
Come to think of it, if your teen weren’t so dang touchy, you’d have a great relationship. If they’d just take your advice, both of your lives would get better. The entire family’s life would get better if everyone could stop living on edge all the time!
What if you could wake up every day without anxiety about the choices your teen is making?
You know it’s possible to have a great relationship with them because you have friends who seem to do it just fine.
But how do you get there?
You might be asking yourself, if it’s so simple, why not just Google: “How to get my teen to trust me?” or figure it out myself?
The Become Trusted program includes thirty-two 5-8 min videos that teach simple concepts to become more trustworthy to your teen. Each is simple enough that you can start applying it immediately. Transcripts are included as well!
Sometimes it can be hard to apply abstract concepts, so in addition to the training you'll get a short list of "action steps" each week that you can use to start practicing right away.
Sometimes all you need is what to say INSTEAD of what automatically comes to mind. I've got your back with a list of "say this, not that" statements for each lesson.
Inside the membership is an easy way to submit questions to me as you hit roadblocks specific to you and your teen. These are searchable, filterable and can be a place where you can collaborate with other parents in addition to me.
Each week, we will dive deep into one of the 30 ways to be come trusted on a LIVE Zoom call. These will include open Q&As and Hot Seats.
Additionally, you'll have complimentary access to my monthly workshops ($25 each)
I'm serious about helping you actually USE this program so you can gain your teen's trust. You'll earn points for logging in, sharing a parenting WIN with me, completing your homework and more. "Spend" your points on my other products AND 1-on-1 time with me!
In addition to the 30 micro steps in the Become Trusted program, you'll have access to trainings on how to address tough topics such as dating, pornography, phones, friends, mental and physical health and more. Included in each module is a printable PDF with questions to ask your teen to make the discussion on the topic EASY. New topics are continuously being added.
I have 4 kids. Three have successfully left home, and we have a very close relationship, but I'm lucky I still have one left at home with me! I'm still navigating teens.
Being a teen is HARD. And while parenting teens can also be hard, my mission is to remove the negative stigma around the teen years. I help parents break the code so they can have FUN during the teen years without giving up on seeing their teens thrive.
I've been raising teens or helping others raise teens for over a decade and while I'm far from perfect, I've learned that I don't have to be. I just have to be trustworthy. I can't teach you how to be the perfect parent, but I CAN teach you to be trustworthy.
While the teen years are often where trust issues start to surface, they aren’t the only time you can work on building trust. Team Trusted is an excellent foundation for parents of kids ages 10 and up, to prepare and get a head start on the teen years.
The foundation of the Team is a program identifying parenting blind spots that is NOT LIVE. However, in addition, we will have weekly LIVE calls that will be on Zoom.
Inside the private website is a place to ask any anonymous question, and see what others have asked in the past.
All the Zoom calls will be recorded and uploaded to the membership site where you can access them anytime.
You can also pre-submit questions via a form in the membership site so you can get your questions answered even if you cannot attend live.
Yes! I know things come up and life happens.
However, once you cancel, you will lose access to the content at the end of the current period.
For example, if you pay on January 23rd and Feb 23rd, but then cancel on March 1st, you will have access thru March 22nd. On March 23rd, you will lose access to the entire membership.
So make sure that you have watched any content that is important to you before you lose access.
Imagine sitting side by side with your teen on the couch, having real conversation, laughing (or occasionally crying) together about their day.
That can be YOUR reality.