New Year’s Questions to ask your Teen

Encourage your teenager to reflect on the past year as well as make a few goals (or just thinking about)  the new year with these conversation questions great for your New Years celebration.

New Years conversation topics and questions to have with your teenager

Reflecting on the last year:

  1. Pick 3 words to describe this last year.
  2. What is a big problem you solved this last year?
  3. What is a favorite place you visited this last year?
  4. Best advice you received this last year?
  5. Favorite TV series and/or movie(s) from this last year?
  6. What is an important lesson you learned this last year?
  7. What is the best meal or dessert you had this last year?
  8. What is something that made you belly laugh this last year?
  9. Favorite song(s) from the last year?
  10. Favorite photo(s) on your phone from the last year?

Thinking about the upcoming year:

  1. What is a skill you’d like to learn this next year?
  2. Advice you’d like to give yourself this next year?
  3. What is something you’d like to do for someone else this next year?
  4. A place you’d like to visit this next year?
  5. What is a physical, mental or health goal you’d like to focus on next year?
  6. What is something you are nervous about for the next year?
  7. What is a word you’d like to pick as your theme for the next year?

Download a printable PDF here:

New Years Reflection Questions with Teens


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